Middleton High School Implements Calm with Kalaa Program

This past semester, Mindful Kala has been working with Middleton High School Foundations of Health staff to implement our program into their curriculum! Foundations of Health is a mandatory class for freshman at Middleton High School and plays a vital role in teaching kids ways to stay healthy and active for the rest of their lives! Mindful Kala is truly honored to be able to be apart of this and we thank Middleton High School, specially the health teachers for being so sweet and collaborative of our program!!

We are excited to share our Mindful Kala journey in this new feature in Isthmus, written by Candice Wagener! The article focuses on Mindful Kala at Middleton, but also touches on its origins and university workshops! Thank you Isthmus and Candice for the feature! Enjoy the article!


*Note: At the time of this article, Mindful Kala was known as the Calm with Kalaa Initiative


An Introduction to Bharatanatyam Therapy